Java Certification Training

Top industry professionals create Eduprimes’ Java certification training, which is tailored to match industry standards. With the help of Java Course online, you may pass the Java SE8 programmer and Java SE11 developer certification exams the first time around by becoming an Oracle certified professional. With this online Java training, you will gain a thorough understanding of both basic and advanced topics in Core Java and J2EE, as well as well-known frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, and SOA.


About Java Course

This online Java training course is intended for professionals and students who aspire to become Java developers. Basic and advanced Java concepts, including Java arrays, collections, database connectivity, threads, exception handling, JSP, servlets, and XML processing, will all be covered in this 42-hour course on Java. You will learn about Hibernate and Spring, among other Java frameworks, after you sign up for online coaching.

Training Highlights

Objectives of our Java Certification Training

Our Java Certification Training is designed by industry experts to make you a Certified Java Developer. Following are the objectives our Java programming course offers:
  • In-depth knowledge of Java data types, conditional statements and loops, multi-threading and exception handling, a database using hibernate framework
  • Comprehensive knowledge of object-oriented programming through Java using Classes, Objects and various Java concepts like Abstract, Final etc and parse XML files using DOM and SAX
  • The capability to implement arrays, functions and string handling techniques, JDBC to communicate with Database, SOA using web services
  • The exposure to many real-life industry-based projects
  • Projects which are diverse in nature covering banking, telecommunication, social media, insurance, and e-commerce domains
  • Rigorous involvement of an SME throughout the Java Training course to learn industry standards and best practices

Why should you go for a Java Course Online Certification

Knowledge ages quickly in the IT industry due to the rapid changes in technology. For this reason, it’s crucial that Java developers grasp the language. The most popular programming language nowadays is Java. The primary driver of the mobile industry’s growth, which has an impact on careers in mobile development, is Java. We provide one of the greatest online certification programs for Java so you can become the person you’ve always wanted to be in the future.

What is the system required for Eduprimes Online Java Certification course ?

Followings are the system requirement for edureka’s java programming online course with certificate:
  • RAM: 2GB
  • Processor Intel Core2 Duo or higher
  • Operating System 32 bit or 64 bit, JDK installed


Our Package



training examination


complete assured package


Course Curriculm

Introduction to Java
  • Introduction to Java
  • Bytecode
  • Class Files
  • Compilation Process
  • Data types, and Operations
  • if conditions
  • Loops – for
  • while and do while
Data Handling and functions
  • Arrays – Single Dimensional and Multidimensional arrays
  • Functions
  • Function with Arguments
  • Function Overloading
  • The concept of Static Polymorphism
  • String Handling – String
  • StringBuffer Classes
Object Oriented Programming in Java
  • OOPS in Java: Concept of Object Orientation
  • Attributes, and Methods
  • Classes and Objects
  • Methods and Constructors – Default Constructors and Constructors with Arguments
  • Inheritance
  • Abstract
  • Final
  • Static
Packages and Multi Threading
  • Packages and Interfaces
  • Access Specifiers: Public, Private, Protected and Package
  • Exception Handling: Try, Catch, Finally, Throw and Throws
  • Multi-Threading: Runnable Interface, Extending a Thread Class, Synchronization in Threads
Java Collections
  • Wrapper Classes and Inner Classes: Integer, Character, Boolean, Float etc
  • Applet Programs: How to write UI programs with Applet, Java.lang,, Java.util
  • Collections: ArrayList, Vector, HashSet, TreeSet, HashMap, HashTable
Web Services and Projects
  • Introduction to Web Services
  • WSDL file
  • WSDL and UDDI
  • SOAP, RESTfulWeb Service
  • JAX-WS Implementation
  • Introduction to XML
  • Writing XML files
  • DOM Parser – Writing into an XML file and Parsing an XML file
  • SAX Parser, XSL
  • Introduction to SQL: Connect, Insert, Update, Delete, Select
  • Introduction to JDBC and Architecture of JDBC
  • Types of Drivers: Type 1/2/3/4 drivers
  • Insert/Update/Delete/Select Operations using JDBC
  • Batch Processing Transaction
  • Management: Commit and Rollback
  • Introduction to Web Technologies
  • Type of Servlets: Generic and Http Servlet
  • Request Dispatchers: Forward and Include
  • 4 types of Session Tracking and Filters
  • Introduction to JSP
  • Architecture of JSP
  • tags (Scripts, declarative, expression)
  • Implicit objects
  • JSP Directives
  • JSP and JDBC
  • Introduction to Hibernate
  • Architecture of Hibernate
  • Database Operations: Insert/Update/Delete/Select
  • Inheritance
  • Collections
  • HQL and Restrictions
  • Caching in Hibernate
  • Introduction to Spring Framework
  • Architecture
  • Display a Sample Message
  • IoC Containers
  • Bean Definition
  • Bean Scopes
  • Bean Post Processors
  • Dependency Injection Auto-Wiring
Spring, Ajax, and Design Patterns
  • Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
  • Integrating Spring framework with Hibernate
  • Transaction Management
  • Ajax Framework and Design Patterns: DAO, DTO, MVC
  • Intercepting filters
  • Front Controller
  • Business Delegate
  • Introduction to SOA
  • SOA Architecture
  • Business layer of SOA
  • Advantages of SOA
  • What is Contract
  • Address, and Binding in SOA
  • Composition of Service
  • Relation between SOA and Web Services
Web Services and Projects
  • Introduction to Web Services
  • WSDL file
  • WSDL and UDDI
  • SOAP, RESTfulWeb Service
  • JAX-WS Implementation

Upcoming Batch

Feb 16th Weekends

FRI & SAT (4 Weeks)

08:30 PM to 01:00 AM (CDT)

Feb 19th

MON – FRI (18 Days)

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (CDT)

Java Training FAQ's

Q. What is Java?

Java is a general-purpose, high-level programming language that requires few implementations. James Gosling created Java at Sun Microsystems in the beginning in 1995. Since then, it has only become bigger, and now that it is the most demanding programming language available, Oracle Corporation has acquired it. It doesn’t need a lot of resources to run and is free to use.


Q. Which certification is best for Java developers?

Oracle is currently the owner of Java. For this reason, Oracle certified Developer is the most well-known J2EE certification for Java. There are other Java Professional certificates in the market as well, but because Oracle is hugely popular and Java is owned by Oracle which provides them greater technical experience of the language, Oracle java certified professional Developer is widely respected.

Q. Is this live Java training or will I watch pre-recorded videos?

You will receive instruction from experts with more than ten years of experience working in the Java development field when you enroll in our live online Java training. Our live classes are all interactive, allowing you to ask questions and get any doubts answered as they are being covered. We also offer you access to the class recording of any live Java coaching sessions you may miss. You use your learning management system to manage all of this.


Q. Which Oracle exam will I write after completing this Java Training Course from Eduprimes ?
There are Six Certification Exams from Oracle to boost your career in the Java-based industry.
  • (OCJA) Oracle Certified Junior Associate
  • (OCA) Oracle Certified Associate
  • (OCP) Oracle Certified Professional
  • (OCS) Oracle Certified Specialist
  • (OCE) Oracle Certified Expert
  • (OCM) Oracle Certified Master
After completing Eduprimes Online Java Training Course, you can easily clear all those Certification exams in the first attempt.
Q. Who are the Instructors for this Java online training at Eduprimes?

All of our instructors are employed professionals with real-world Java/J2EE expertise, having worked for prestigious companies. These knowledgeable people, who were all taught by Eduprimes, offer Java instruction online in order to deliver an excellent learning environment. There is no better location to study Java online than Eduprimes Java online coaching.


Q. Is it easy to get a job after taking Java Training?

Yes, of course! The online Java Certification course in its entirety is in line with current market demands for employment. Through exercises and projects, our Java course not only teaches you the foundations but also provides you a taste of real-world settings and difficulties.

An income of 118,000 USD in the US or 40 LPA in India can be obtained as a Java developer! That says a lot about the depth of Java learning and its marketability. Thus, it all relies on how much time you invest in learning the programming language and how many different kinds of projects you take on.

Q. Does Eduprimes provide Java Training near me?

Online Java training classes are available from anywhere in the world with Eduprimes. Learners worldwide may get top-notch Java instruction through the Eduprimes online platform, which allows for flexible study from home or the office.

Q. Will I be working on a Project?

Yes, you will be working on a project towards the end of the Java training that will assist you in practically applying the concepts you have learnt.

Q. Is the course material accessible to the students even after the Java Certification training finishes?

Yes, even after completing the Java course, students can still access the course materials. The participants can obtain all of the installation instructions, project documents, and sample codes. You will have lifetime access to our Learning Management System (LMS), which houses the PowerPoints and the class recordings.


Q. Will I Get Placement Assistance after completing my Java course?

To help you in this endeavour, your LMS has a resume creation option. Now, you can create a CV that wins in only three easy steps. You can use these templates as often as you like in a variety of jobs and positions. To begin, simply sign into your LMS and select the “create resume” option.

Q. I am not from an IT background, can I take this java course?

Indeed, you can. Significant programming knowledge and a comprehension of basic ideas like variables and scopes, flow control, and functions are prerequisites for the Java course. Although not necessary, prior knowledge of object-oriented programming ideas is unquestionably advantageous.

Q. Can I Attend a Demo Session of Java online classes before Enrolment?

A live session has a cap on the number of participants in order to uphold the Quality Standards. Thus, it is regrettably not feasible to attend a live Java class without registering. You can, however, watch the sample class recording to gain a good understanding of the format, calibre of teachers, and degree of involvement in the Java online classes.

Q. Which exam is suitable for an advanced level candidate in Java Programming ?

A sophisticated test level appropriate for software engineers, app developers, desktop application developers, etc. is the OCPJAD Java Professional Certification. Your proficiency in Java programming will be assessed for this certification. You will have advanced programming knowledge and expertise after finishing this online Java course, enabling you to pass the certification exam the first time around.

Q. What if I miss a Java online class?

There will never be a lecture you miss. One of the two possibilities available to you is: 1. Watch the recordings and presentation from the Java class that are accessible online via the LMS. 2. You can participate in any other live batch to make up for the Java tutoring session that you missed online. Please be aware that once you join in our top Java course online, you will have lifetime access to the course materials.

Q. Which certification exam is suitable for an intermediate level Java Programming candidate?

Candidates with intermediate Java programming experience can take the OCE (Oracle Certified Expert) Java Professional Certification exam. Web developers who wish to use the Java programming language to create web apps can take this certification exam. Top MNC in the US and India both highly respect the Java SE11 Developer and Java SE 8 Programmer certifications.


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