Docker Certification

The Docker Certified Associate test and this practical Docker certification course are compatible. In this Docker course, you will learn about the fundamentals of Docker, including Docker Hub, Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, Dockerfile, Containers, Docker Engine, Docker Images, Docker Network, Docker Daemon, and Docker Storage.


A strong foundation for the official Docker Certified Associate test is provided by the DCA Certification Training course. Built from the bottom up, the Docker training curriculum aims to educate novice users on the nuances of the Docker containerization technology. The foundational knowledge of Docker is covered in the Docker Certification course before moving on to more complex subjects like Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, network and security management, and utilizing Docker Enterprise’s DTR (Docker Trusted Registry) and UCP (Universal Control Panel).

Who should go for this Docker Training Course?

  • Professionals aspiring to clear the Docker Certified Associate exam
  • Professionals keen on advancing their career as DevOps Engineers
  • Individuals looking to establish their credibility and value in the market as experienced Docker practitioners
  • Principal Software Engineers
  • Cloud Professionals
  • Software Developers
  • Site Reliability Engineers
  • Technical Leads

What are the benefits of Docker Training Course?

  • Recognition for your Docker skills with an official Docker credential
  • Digital certificate and use of the Docker Certified Associate logo
  • Online verification of Docker Certified status by potential employers
  • Exclusive access to the Docker Certified professional network on LinkedIn and invites to certified-only events

Our Package

training with lms

Original price was: $2,000.00.Current price is: $999.00.

Introduction to Containerization
  • Containerization
  • History of Containers
  • Namespaces and Cgroups
  • Containers vs. Virtual Machines
  • Types of Containers
  • Introduction to Docker
  • Docker Architecture
  • Container Lifecycle
  • Docker CE vs. Docker EE
The Docker Engine
  • Docker Engine
  • Configuring Logging Drivers
  • Docker Terminology
  • Port Binding
  • Detached vs. Foreground Mode
  • Docker CLI
  • Docker Exec
  • Restart Policy
Image Management and Registry
  • Dockerfile
  • Dockerfile Instructions
  • Build Context
  • Docker Image
  • Docker Registry
Storage in Docker
  • Docker Storage
  • Types of Persistent Storage
  • Volumes
  • Bind Mounts
  • tmpfs Mount
  • Storage Drivers
  • Device Mapper
  • Docker Clean Up
Orchestration in Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Docker Swarm
  • Docker Service
  • Service Placement
  • Rolling Update and Rollback
  • Docker Stack
Networking and Security
  • Docker Networking
  • Network Drivers
  • Bridge Network
  • Overlay Network
  • Host and Macvlan
  • Docker Security
  • Docker Content Trust
  • Securing the Docker Daemon
Docker EE and Monitoring
  • Docker Enterprise
  • Universal Control Plane (UCP)
  • UCP Architecture
  • Access Control in UCP
  • Docker Trusted Registry (DTR)
  • Monitoring using Prometheus
Docker with Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes Core Concepts
  • Kubernetes Common Commands
  • Pods
  • Deployments
  • Labels, Selectors and Annotations
  • Services
  • Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims
  • Storage Classes

Upcoming Batch

April 20th (Weekends)

FRI & SAT (4 Weeks)

08:30 PM to 01:00 AM (CDT)

April 18th (Weekdays)

MON – FRI (18 Days)

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (CDT)

Docker Certification FAQs

Q. What are Docker Certifications?

Docker Certifications validate technical knowledge with an industry-recognized credential. Our certifications recognize technical skills on the Docker platform.

Q. How do I become Certified?

You must earn a passing score via a proctored exam to earn a Docker Certification. Upon receiving a passing score, you will receive your certification credentials.

Q. How long will my certification be valid?

Your Certification will be valid for 2 years. You will be required to update your certification every two (2) years.

Q. What are the pre-requisites for Docker training and certification?

The pre-requisites for this Docker course include: Good Knowledge and Hands-on experience with Linux. You don’t need to be a wizard at the command line, but you should be familiar with how to open your favorite shell or terminal, and run basic commands in that environment. To refresh your skills, you will get the “Linux Fundamentals for Docker” Self-paced modules as pre-requisites in your LMS when you enroll in Docker Certified Associate Training.

Q. What are the system requirements for this Docker Certification Training ?

Any system with 4GB of RAM and a decent HDD with the latest version of Windows, Linux, or MacOS is compatible. Free Tier GCP account will be used to perform all the demos. Edureka will help you set up the required software. The Installation Guides to set up the environment is available on the LMS.


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